Q: Dear Ruchi, I have been working hard on implementing gratitude practices into my daily life. Though I can easily think about the people and things I am grateful for, I want to take it a step further, particularly in the realm of finances! I am ready to embark on a financial “level-up” in my life and I wonder how I could implement this into my gratitude practice. Are money and gratitude actually connected? How do I get started?
A: I am so grateful that you are here today asking this question! Having this mindset is the beginning of a beautiful journey ahead. And to answer your question, yes, money and gratitude are absolutely connected! Let’s dive into it.
Before we explore some tangible steps, did you know there is actual science behind giving, receiving, and witnessing gratitude? It really does improve your overall well-being! Gratitude is directly aligned with attracting a life of abundance.
Here are some ways you can start working financial goals into your gratitude practice…
1.Write it down and get specific.
Take inventory of what you already have in your life. Dedicate a section of your gratitude journal to your finances. Think of money-specific things that affect your everyday life. For example, your gratitude for your steady income, your ability to pay your rent/mortgage, being able to buy fresh food for you and your family, and so on. This helps you develop a more positive attitude toward money and remain in a state of abundance vs. lack.
2. Practice generosity.
Have you ever heard of the saying “You have to spend money to make money?”. It’s not a complete myth! Small acts of financial kindness can go a long way. Consider making a donation to your favorite charitable cause, leave a generous tip when you pick up your morning coffee or even cover a friend’s dinner. This cultivates a sense of abundance and gratitude while making a positive impact on others. It feels good to give and you’ll be surprised how quickly it will come back to you. This is a healthy energy exchange.
3. Set goals that make you feel excited.
Challenge yourself by setting goals that are framed exclusively in a gratitude-oriented manner. Think about how achieving these goals will bring exciting changes into your life and contribute to feelings of abundance, fulfillment, and impact. This could be setting a savings goal to create the feeling of stability and peace of mind or saving for a vacation to spend quality time away with your loved ones.
I can’t wait to see what this practice brings for you!
Here’s to your prosperity!