Q: Dear Ruchi, I started my business last year and though things have been going well, I feel quite lonely. I am so happy with my decision to start my own business but I never realized how deeply losing the social elements of my corporate job would affect me. I really loved connecting with coworkers every day but now work is so different. Am I the only one who feels this way? How do I incorporate this back into my life?
A: Wow. I feel every word! In short, no, you are most definitely not the only person who feels this way. I remember when I started my business and felt similarly, and I am excited to tell you that it doesn’t always have to feel this way. Did you know that 42% of businesses in the United States are run by women? That’s millions of women who have likely felt many of the same growing pains you are facing too. Here are some things you can do to bring connection back into your life as a corporate employee turned business owner:
Get comfortable with vulnerability.
Seeking support, connection, and community is nothing to feel ashamed about. Though, we know getting vulnerable isn’t easy, sharing your stories and dreams are often a great base to build your community off of. There are so many others who feel like you too and share the same pain points.
Utilize your social media platforms, especially LinkedIn.
As a small business owner, the internet is your friend! Don’t underestimate the power of your LinkedIn network. Use your platforms to connect with others and share experiences.
Seek out networks, groups, and collaborative opportunities with others.
A simple Google search can land you in the hands of some of the best networking groups in your area. I happen to love Luminary NYC and Ellevate Network, though there are many more to choose from, some in person and some virtually!
Remain consistent in your efforts as you build strong relationships.
Keep attending events. Keep talking to strangers. Keep the value of connection in mind. Consider building deeper connections rather than focusing on volume and spreading yourself too thin.
Surround yourself with people who lift you up.
Trust your gut. Your true network will shine through!
I want you to know that there are people out there waiting for you. With the right intentions and effort, you will find your tribe and feel so fulfilled. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised to look back one day and see how it all unfolded as you stand beside your biggest champions in life. These things take time, but the more you put yourself out there, the more you will be rewarded. Your community and network will grow with ease when your heart is in the right place. Finding your next community can be a simple internet search away!
Here’s to your prosperity!